Build Back Better – A Practical Guide to Recovery Planning 2022

This Guide provides a range of practical tools and resources to help you and your team ‘take stock’ and think about the future shape of your organisation as it meets the challenge of service delivery in a post Covid-19 environment.
Content includes guidance on:
- Organisation analysis and review
- Sustainable business planning
- Funding and budgeting
- Marketing
- Social value and impact
- Risk management
Information is provided in an accessible format as narrated slides and documents.
These resources are available free of charge to Voluntary, Community and Faith based organisations active in Sefton Borough.
To request access, please email, stating ‘Recovery Planning Guide’ in the subject line. In the body of the email, please give a short description of your planning needs plus your contact details including your name, organisation and phone number.
Click here to download the Terms & Conditions