Sefton Perinatal Community of Practice

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Membership provides opportunity for professionals across the Sefton Partnership working with families (0-2 Years) to share good practice, identify barriers and find solutions.

Sefton Perinatal Community of Practice is a Sub-group of the Every Child Matters Forum. The group meet bi-monthly on zoom to share good practice and come up with solutions to barriers.

The group were approached by Partners through the BABS Communications Group to expand the group to other partners, which was agreed and now have expanded membership.

Chaired by Sharon Cotterall (Children and Families Development Officer) at Sefton CVS, if you would like to have a chat to find out more information or get involved please contact

Members include representatives from:
Mental Health Matters
BABS (Building Attachments and Bonds Service)
Talking Matters
Sefton IAPT Team (therapeutic team)
Sefton MBC Early Years

2024 Forum Dates

Thursday 29 February, 2pm – 3pm via Zoom Video call
Thursday 9 May, 2pm – 3pm via Zoom Video call
Thursday 8 August, 2pm – 3pm via Zoom Video call
Thursday 28 November, 2pm – 3pm via Zoom Video call