Befriending and Companionship Volunteers needed throughout Sefton

Approximately 3 million people in the UK feel lonely often or always, according to the government’s Community Life Surveys 2018-2021. Five organisations across Sefton have come together to tackle this and need your help! Brighter Living Partnership, Swan Women’s Centre, Community Connectors, Re-engage and Alzheimer’s Society are recruiting volunteers across the borough of Sefton to tackle social isolation.
Each organisation has a different companionship role available from telephone befriending, visiting someone at home, getting out and about to a community venue or holding tea parties. Volunteers can give anything from half a day twice a year to a couple of hours each week.
The partnership is holding a volunteer speed matching event at Southport Community Centre on Wednesday 21 September at 1pm. Potential volunteers will chat to each organisation to find out more information on the different roles and which they could possibly offer their time to.
Venue: Southport Community Centre, Norwood Road, Southport, PR8 6HQ
Date: Wednesday 21 September 2022
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Volunteer Telephone Befriender with Brighter Living Partnership, John, aged 59, spoke about the difference the role has made to his life:
“Being a befriender has taken the focus of my own health struggles and issues. There are always people worse off. It gives me great pleasure to know that my phone calls can; reduce isolation, feelings of loneliness and to increase their overall wellbeing. I hope my story encourages others with time on their hands. A simple phone call can make a difference in someone else’s life”.
Volunteering is a great way to make friends, reduce your own loneliness and boost mental wellbeing as well as giving back to your local community.
Dougie, aged 76, who attends Re-engage tea parties said:
“What a difference it’s made to me, being part of a social group again. At first, I was a bit nervous about going but everyone’s so friendly and it’s great to have conversations with different people. I’m not nearly so lonely now. I really love the company. If I had the chance, I would go every day”.
Keep an eye out on Volunteer Centre Sefton’s social media and website for more details on each charity. To find more information on volunteering, please visit or contact Lauren at or 078640 846 605.