Sefton Council to launch 30 Days of Sefton in Mind

On World Suicide Prevention Day Sefton Council is launching this year’s 30 Days of Sefton in Mind campaign.
Now in its sixth year, 30 Days of Sefton in Mind happens during the 30 days that fall between World Suicide Prevention Day on Saturday 10 September and World Mental Health Day on Monday 10 October.
During this time, we will be promoting positive mental health across the Borough by highlighting the many services available across social media using the hashtag #SeftonInMind.
Various organisations that offer a range of mental health services will be tweeting out with the #SeftonInMind hashtag, and we will be sharing them to help spread awareness of the help available. Organisations from Samaritans to Listening Ear to Alzheimer’s Society will be participating.
The campaign is being undertaken with the hope it starts a conversation about stress or anxiety linked to various issues. For example, residents might be worried about financial hardship due to energy bills rising and prices going up in the shops as a result of the national cost of living crisis. Additionally, they may be concerned about issues regarding employment, social isolation or a lack of support. The campaign will provide information about local solutions to problems, such as financial support, friendship groups, or ideas for physical activities which can reduce feelings of isolation.
Led by Sefton Council, the campaign is supported by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Sefton Partnership and Sefton Council for Voluntary Service.
Cllr Paul Cummins, Mental Health Champion for Sefton Council said:
“With many still feeling the impact of COVID19, and facing hardship owing to the cost of living crisis, we need to promote ways to achieve and maintain positive mental health in Sefton now more than ever.”
“As we adapt to a world altered by the pandemic, levels of isolation, distress and financial anxiety have increased, and it is vital that we continue work together with our partners to provide services for people struggling with mental health and make sure that people know there is lots of support for them.”
People can get involved in 30 Days of Sefton in Mind and share your own posts on both Twitter or Facebook throughout the campaign using #SeftonInMind.