WEA: Multiply Community Grants – Closing Monday 14 November 2022

WEA is launching its Multiply Community Grants programme for 2022/23 through a contract with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for organisations with residents of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral.
Grants of between £10k and £25k will be made to eligible VCSE organisations to support residents with numeracy skills needs for an initial period up until 31 March 2023. Further funding and continuation may be available for further years subject to performance.
Applications open Monday 31st October
Applications close Monday 14th November
The Multiply programme has been launched as part of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme, by the DfE. The programme is for 19+ adults who live and/or work in the application area who do not have a GSCE at Grade 4 (or equivalent). Successful projects will measurably improve adult functional numeracy skills and help to, for example:
- Manage household finances
- Support children with homework
- Understand facts in the media
- Improve employability / job prospects
- Deliver courses designed to increase confidence with numbers as the first step towards a qualification
- Deliver programmes together with employers
- Provide guidance and support that puts maths into every day, relatable context in daily life, home, and work
- Improve labour market outcomes as a result of numeracy support
- Increase the number of adults participating in adult numeracy qualifications up to and including Level 2
- Reduce numeracy skills gaps reported by employers
It is intended that Multiply Community Grants will offer a range of (non-substantial) guidance, referral and support projects such as engagement activity to enable reluctant learners to take the first step, 1 to 1 support and referral into formal education, initial assessment of numeracy needs, capacity building of volunteers to act as numeracy advocates and short taster flexible courses including a numeracy element that fit around people’s lives and are tailored to specific needs, circumstances, sectors and industries.
Multiply activities will be supported by the rollout of a national e-learning platform and should complement both this and existing numeracy skills provision in the local area, such as that funded by the Adult Education Budget.
For more information, to check eligibility or to apply you can use the link below from Monday 31st October: