Sport England Together Fund for Merseyside – Closing Friday 25 November 2022

MSP are working with Sport England on the Together Fund (previously called Tackling Inequalities Fund, or TIF), which is designed to enable community, voluntary and third sector organisations and constituted groups to to support people to be active, in the six boroughs across Merseyside.
Halton, Sefton, Wirral, Knowsley, Liverpool and St Helens
The fund is focused on supporting four priority groups who have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and whose levels of activity – which were already significantly lower prior to the pandemic – have not recovered to the same extent as the population as a whole.
The four priority audiences are:
● People from culturally diverse communities
● People with a disability
● People with long term-health conditions
● People from lower socio-economic groups
Under the current phase of funding, we have recently issued an expression of interest community to engage voluntary and third sector organisations and groups who are in a position to reach these priority audiences. Can we please request your assistance in helping to share this opportunity through your colleagues, local networks and groups in your respective boroughs or areas of influence.
Full details on the opportunity can be found at:
The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 25th November at 9am.