‘Multiply’ Numeracy Champions: National Numeracy are looking for people to train to become Numeracy Champions

- Do you think you could be good at supporting people with their numeracy skills, without having to teach maths?
- Could you support positive conversations about numbers by talking positively with others who may feel anxious about maths, inspire them to share their experiences and support them to have a more positive approach towards numbers?
If so, this could be for you! Or if you know anyone else that you think might be interested, please tell them about it. Please share with your networks and through your newsletters, etc.
The Multiply programme has been launched as part of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme, by the Dept. for Education. LCR’s Multiply programme is for adults aged 19+ who live and/or work in the city region who do not have a GSCE at Grade 4 (the old grade C, or equivalent).
As part of LCR’s Multiply programme, the LCR Combined Authority are working with an organisation called National Numeracy who will be training Numeracy Champions across the region who can empower adults to get on with numbers so they can fulfil their potential at work and at home. They are looking for people to become Numeracy Champions – these could either be in the workplace to encourage and support colleagues and/or in the community.
Numeracy Champions don’t teach maths, they act as mentors to build confidence, support positive attitudes, change mindsets and introduce resources to support skills learning. They are empowered to help change the conversation around maths across their organisations and client groups and encourage adult learners to re-engage with everyday maths learning using an online learning resource “The National Numeracy Challenge.”
You don’t need to be a maths whizz… far from it! Often, people who may have previously struggled (or may even still struggle) with numbers but have worked to improve and/or are currently trying to improve their numeracy skills can become the best champions, coming from a position of understanding and experience.
The training programme is fully funded by the Multiply project, so if you are involved in supporting adults across the region and would like to take advantage of this opportunity, they would love you to join them on the programme. The training takes place on lie and doesn’t take long (just 2 x 3 hour sessions). Sign up here or contact sally@nationalnumeracy.org.uk for more information. Courses starting soon! (12 December)