Health services reminders for forthcoming Easter Bank Holiday weekend and industrial action

With the Easter Bank Holiday weekend – Friday 7 to Monday 10 April – fast approaching, people are being reminded to make sure they’ve got enough prescription medication left. It can take a couple of days for a repeat prescription to come through and you don’t want to run out.
Industrial action
In addition, the Easter Bank Holiday will be followed immediately by four days of industrial action by junior doctors, lasting from Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 April.
During this time the NHS, which is still busy caring for people, is expecting significant disruption. So it is important people are aware of the best way to access care at a time health service will be under severe pressure.
Urgent need
If anyone has an urgent healthcare need that can’t wait till the next working day, it is still possible to speak to a GP in the evening, at weekends and on Bank Holidays.
If you call your GP practice outside of office hours, you will hear a recorded message, with details of how to get in touch with a GP. This may be through contacting NHS 111.
NHS 111 online
The NHS 111 online service offers quick advice and the best options for getting the care you need. This including getting a call-back from a trained clinician or nurse, booking an appointment in A&E or providing advice on how to help you recover.
You can use the NHS App to put in a request for a repeat prescription or check your GP practice website for details of how to order a repeat prescription.
Urgent and emergency care services will be open over the Bank Holiday and during the industrial action. People should always call 999 or attend A&E in the event of a life or limb threatening emergency.
High-street pharmacies can provide you with expert advice and help on a range of health issues.
Pharmacy opening times