UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grants

UKSPF – Digital Connectivity for Community Facilities
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s (LCRCA’s) local investment plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme – the UK’s successor to EU Structural funds – includes a grants programme focussed on Digital Connectivity for Community Facilities. VOLA has been appointed by the LCRCA to manage this programme.
Earlier in the year, round 1 of the fund awarded £300,000 to 46 grass-roots, not-for-profit community organisations across the Liverpool City Region and Round 2 is due to be launched very soon, with £361,000 to be made available across the Liverpool City Region, with specific funding allocations for each borough.
Round 2 will be open for applications from 5pm, Monday 19 June 2023, with a 4-week response window (deadline 5pm, Monday 17 July), with a view to awarding grants to successful applicants in September 2023. The application form and all supporting guidance documents will be published on this page.
Technical Hints and Tips Workshop (15 June, 2-3pm)
Following the borough-focused briefing sessions held online w/c 5 June, a further session – covering completely different content – will be held online on Thursday 15 June, 2-3pm. This session will focus on technical hints and tips to consider when setting up (or upgrading) a public-access computer facility. This will be of particular interest and assistance to people that might not have a great deal of experience in this field. Even if you think you know the subject like the back of your hand, we’re pretty confident you will learn something new and it will give you some good food for thought to help you plan your project.
Please email to confirm your attendance.
General Briefing Session Slides
The slides from last weeks briefing sessions are available to download here…
These sessions covered general information including background and purpose of the fund; applicant eligibility criteria; eligible and ineligible expenditure; important policies and other things you need to have in place; and most importantly, guidance and tips on putting together a good application.
If anyone would like to access a recording of one of the session, you can access it via this link:
More organisations that attended the Round 1 briefing sessions were successful in receiving funding than those that didn’t, so if you are interested in applying, please do attend.
Round 1 of the grants fund was significantly undersubscribed by organisations from Halton, St Helens, Knowsley, Sefton and Wirral, so if you are based in one of these areas, eligible to apply and able to submit a credible application, clearly demonstrating the need, intended impact and Value for Money, there is no reason why you shouldn’t stand a good chance! Liverpool-based organisations are also eligible to apply!