Sefton at 50 Celebrations
As the borough of Sefton celebrates 50 years since its inception, Sefton CVS will also be celebrating our own 50th anniversary this year! To mark the occasion, we will be celebrating the work of the VCF sector in Sefton over the last 50 years with projects and events throughout the year.
Hearts of Gold – Sefton at 50 Heritage Project
Our heritage project will engage and involve communities to celebrate Sefton’s people and places, with the borough’s golden anniversary (1974-2024) the focus for an activity programme particularly raising social and cultural heritage awareness, with a focus on three themes:
• Unsung Heroes: people who have influenced and shaped the borough, its communities and neighbourhoods. The inspiration for the ‘Hearts of Gold’ theme, these will include founding members of local charities and other loved and respected local institutions.
• Special Places: including buildings and spaces that have become part of the local landscape and Sefton landmarks – from the restored Southport Pier to the iconic Gormley Statues.
• Memorable Events: from local galas, fairs, Royal Visits and celebrations to international occasions, including sport, art and culture, in town, coast and country locations.
The project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has already provided grants of up to £2,000 for groups across Sefton to run heritage projects and activities between October 2023 and March 2024.
For more information please visit:
Sefton4Good – 50 for 50
To mark the anniversary, Sefton 4 Good will be taking part in and organising community centric events throughout 2024.
50 for 50 aims to encourage volunteering and good deeds within our local communities, supporting at least 50 people into volunteering giving 50 volunteer hours contributing to 50 good deeds within local communities and celebrating 50 Sefton residents at our Citizens 4 Good Awards across the year.
You can find out more information here…
Sefton Council 50th Anniversary Celebrations
As, over the coming months, the borough of Sefton marks the 50th anniversary of its creation, those people and places that make it a fantastic place to live, work and visit are being honoured.
To mark Sefton reaching its half century, having been formed on 1st April 1974, the Council wants to throw a spotlight on what makes Sefton a unique and wonderful part of the UK.
As part of the celebrations people of all ages are being encouraged to share their personal stories of life growing up in Sefton, their memories and experiences, and give their predictions on what they think Sefton will be like in another 50 years’ time.
These stories will be collated and kept safe inside two special time capsules, to be located at either end of the Borough, and only reopened after another 50 years, in 2074.
We will be announcing more information on celebrations and planned events throughout the year!