Services Include:
- Funding Search – Merseyside Funding Information Portal (MFIP)
- Funding Surgeries
- Pre-application advice
- Planning for successful fundraising
- Preparing funding applications
- Developing and discussing funding strategies
- Reviewing draft applications (however this does not include writing them)
Advice & Support
Our Group Development Team provides information on funding opportunities available to the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector and supports groups to become more sustainable by improving their financial security and capacity.
Funding Search
The Merseyside Funding Information Portal (MFIP) is an online resource that has everything you need to know about funding your charitable or community work, whether you are an individual, a community group, a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or a social enterprise. This also includes information and support in tendering and procurement related opportunities for voluntary bodies.
Funding Surgeries
We regularly organise “Meet the Funder” surgeries with a variety of local, regional and national funders These events are an opportunity for local groups and organisations to hear about current funding programmes and opportunities available.
If you would like to find out more about any of the funding support we can provide, contact groupdevelopment@seftoncvs.org.uk.