Upcoming Training:
- Find out more information about the latest training hosted by Sefton CVS, as well as our online training package offer for the VCF sector in Sefton.
Sefton CVS’s Training and Development Service
Our Training and Development Service works to enhance the skills and knowledge of VCF sector staff, boards and volunteers to build the capability and knowledge of organisations, enabling them to sustain themselves and grow.
Sefton CVS is an approved training centre and offers courses, coaching and peer learning can be provided in group training sessions and through masterclasses and bespoke provision.
Our service focuses on:
- Capacity building to ensure organisations is legally compliant and adopt good practice.
- Ensuring a professional and up-to-date workforce.
- Ensuring organisations are fit for purpose and tender/commission ready.
- Improving the social and financial value of workforce learning and development.
Upcoming Dates Training
Here you will find our upcoming training and development opportunities from Sefton CVS.
To book your place or if you require more information, please email training@seftoncvs.org.uk
Click here for our latest training
Click here for more information on Meet the Funder
Online Training
Accredited Online Training to the Third Sector
The offer contains a package of 25 high quality online training programmes for the exceptional value of £25pp to those VCF sector organisations based in Sefton.
The full list of training programmes are as follows:
- A Practical Guide to GDPR (General)
- Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption
- Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
- Child Protection
- Child Protection Fundamentals
- Child Protection in Sport & Active Leisure
- Cyber Security
- Equality & Diversity
- Fire Safety
- First Aid Essentials
- Food Hygiene and Safety
- Health and Safety
- Moving and Handling
- Introduction to Effective Teamwork
- Introduction to Leadership
- Introduction to Motivation
- Introduction to Risk Assessment
- Raising Awareness of Trafficking and Modern Slavery
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Young People
- Safer Recruitment
- The Prevent Duty
- Working with Display Screen Equipment
- How to be an Effective Fire Warden or Fire Marshal
- Introduction to Customer Service
Please note that the training courses are not available individually.
If you are a VCF sector organisation based outside of Sefton and interested in accessing the training please get in touch.
To book online training please contact us on 0151 920 0726 or email training@seftoncvs.org.uk