Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board – Safeguarding Training Audit

Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board are currently researching training and support for voluntary, community and faith sector groups to better understand the needs of small, medium and large groups who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable adults coming into contact with their services.
This piece of work is overseen by the Learning and Development Sub-group, of the Sefton Adult Safeguarding Board. The data will be used to support the future development of a draft multi-agency training plan that considers lessons learnt from reviews and practice issues etc to prevent abuse and neglect.
The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and your support is appreciated.
Click here to complete the training audit
If you have any questions regarding the audit or require support please contact Jan Campbell at Sefton CVS via email:
Please return completed questionnaires to Hannah Neary, Safeguarding Adults Board Support Officer at