Community Insights and Intelligence Tool
Welcome to the Community Insights and Intelligence Tool.
This online form allows staff and volunteers working directly with residents to share information about the issues, experiences and situations that are impacting on local communities throughout Sefton.
If you work or volunteer for an VCF or public sector organisation working directly with residents in Sefton you can access the form below:
The simple web form which can be accessed from a mobile, smart device or laptop and can be completed in less than a minute.

Why do we need this tool?
Partners in Sefton have a long history and track record of engaging with local people and communities to gain insights and experiences. However, it was identified that there was no central place to collate this data allowing it to be of benefit to all partners in Sefton. It is in the ethos of integrating that we bring together our shared skillsets and access to pockets of the population from our different sectors and organisations. By triangulating what data is available we will begin to develop a holistic story of what it really is like to live in Sefton. The information gathered will help to identify opportunities to work collaboratively across sectors in order to improve outcomes for local people.
What type of information will the tool gather?
There are no exclusions to the topics of information to be received, insights will relate to the issues as perceived by the agencies reporting, likely to include (but not limited to); housing, transport, digital exclusion, financial inclusion, community safety, environmental, health, social care, wellbeing, equalities, access to services. We want agencies to share as much useful detail as possible, but it is important that information is recorded in an anonymous way. We request that contributors do not share any personal or identifiable details. If non-anonymised information is shared, it will be deleted and the person who provided the information contacted and asked to re-submit anonymously.
What happens to information when it is submitted?
Information is stored securely on Sefton CVS’s Customer Relationship Management System in line with their Data Policy. The Sefton Partnership will have access to the data, which will be stored, collated and analysed over time. The information will help to advance Sefton’s approach to Population Health Management by triangulating this qualitative, real-life information with quantitative data sets. Additionally, over time, the data collected via the tool could inform how we commission services going forward.
The information will be translated into reports, which may be shared publicly, via usual communication channels and through Sefton’s networks and partnerships.
For more information, download our ‘How To’ 1 minute briefing here…
Watch our demo video below: