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Sefton Crowd Programme Closing Soon – Deadline 14 September 2022

The deadline for community groups to register their life changing ideas to the Sefton Crowd is fast approaching. Groups have until September 14 to register for the latest local authority ran crowdfunding scheme.
by Richard 01/09/2022

Keep Warm, Keep Well Events with Sefton Opera & the Affordable Warmth Team

Sefton Opera and Sefton Council's Affordable Warmth Team are hosting two events in North and South Sefton this September. The Keep Warm, Keep Healthy events for over 50's will provide the opportunity for Sefton residents to learn more about the support available in the borough to help them stay warm and healthy this winter.
by Richard 26/08/2022
Sefton CVS logo

Can you help with the Cost of Living Crisis in Sefton? Complete our Survey – Closing 7 September

Sefton CVS are asking local voluntary, community and faith (VCF) sector organisations to complete this survey and share insights and ideas about mitigating the current Cost of Living Crisis here in Sefton.
by Richard 22/08/2022

2022 National Workforce Benchmarking Survey – VCSE Sector Supporting People With Mental Health Conditions Across England

Health Education England is seeking information on the provision of social support staff working with both children and adults with mental health conditions within the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.
by Richard 19/08/2022

Staying Safe in the Hot Weather

While temperatures in Sefton may not be forecast to reach the levels that have caused the Met Office to issue a second heat warning, the Council is still urging people to be careful and prepare for the heat.
by Richard 09/08/2022

Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership: Sports, Arts and Culture Fund – Closing 2 September 2022

The Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (MVRP) fund is targeted at sports, arts and culture based activities that support young people aged under 25 years who may be more vulnerable to experiencing violence.
by Richard 03/08/2022

Living Well Sefton launch the Community Resilience Grant Round 10

The Community Resilience Grant fund is open to Sefton-based voluntary, community and faith (VCF) sector groups. Groups are invited to apply for up to £2,000 to support local community health and wellbeing projects and activities that evidence community resourcefulness within the borough.
by Richard 02/08/2022

Helping to bridge the digital divide in the cost of living crisis

Include-IT Mersey is looking for volunteers to encourage local people to improve their digital skills at digital drop-in sessions and by accessing free training. Known as Digital Champions, they will support participants to make the most of the digital world and will volunteer in local communities to raise awareness of the benefits of getting online.
by Richard 27/07/2022

Summer Food Programme returns to Sefton

Sefton Council and its partners are once again providing food to schoolchildren from eligible families and other groups across the Borough through the 2022 summer holidays.
by Richard 25/07/2022

UK-Shared Prosperity Fund update from the VS6 Partnership

Following on from the VS6 “UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Making the case for Liverpool City Region's VCFSE Sector” event held in May, the VS6 Partnership have continued to strive to work with the Combined Authority to shape the Liverpool City Region’s UK-SPF investment plan. Place based VCFSE leaders from our CVSs have also been working with local authority colleagues to advocate for the sector at a local level.
by Richard 25/07/2022

Heatwave Information and Useful Links

This information sets out impacts a of health wave on health and wellbeing, and actions organisations and members of the public should take to protect health. There are also a number of useful links, which you can circulate to colleagues, partners and people in the community.
by Richard 14/07/2022

LCR Community Food Organisation Mapping Survey

Following the VS6 Sustainable and Affordable Food event on 16 June 2022, VS6 are currently in the process of finalising the Community Food Mapping exercise that was presented at the event. Complete the survey!
by Richard 14/07/2022