Search Results for: volunteer

Volunteer with Healthwatch Sefton

Your health and social care champion, Healthwatch Sefton, are looking for local residents who would like to volunteer their time to support them! They are looking for volunteers to work with and encourage local residents and community groups/organisations to share their patient stories, experiences and journeys.

Nature and Environmental Volunteering Opportunities in Sefton

As part of COP27 Volunteer Centre Sefton are sharing a selection of current nature and environmental volunteering opportunities from organisations across Sefton.
In Sefton, many organisations are looking for volunteers to support a variety of projects that are designed to help nature and the environment.

Befriending and Companionship Volunteers needed throughout Sefton

Five organisations across Sefton have come together to tackle this and need your help! Brighter Living Partnership, Swan Women’s Centre, Community Connectors, Re-engage and Alzheimer’s Society are recruiting volunteers across the borough of Sefton to tackle social isolation.

Volunteer Centre Sefton hosts Volunteer Celebration Event

Volunteers are the lifeblood of many charitable organisations who could not function without them. Last Wednesday, 1 June, Volunteer Centre Sefton ran a Volunteer Celebration Event to honour the vital work that volunteers do throughout the borough. Over 26 organisations and their volunteers were able to attend the event at Bootle Cricket Club. Volunteers received… Read more »