
Southport Crisis Café saves Sefton woman’s life after suicide attempt
Sefton resident Brittney, who suffers with severe depressive episodes, is reaching out to thank the team at a mental health support service in Southport, crediting them for saving her life after she had experienced suicidal thoughts earlier this year.

Old Royal Hospital Clearance: We are calling local charities, community groups and schools!
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LUFT) will be clearing all remaining furniture from the Old Royal Hospital. LUFT keen for these items to be rehomed to charities, schools, community groups and social enterprises.

Sefton Crisis Cafe’s feature on BBC North West
Our Sefton Crisis Cafe’s service recently featured on BBC Politics North West, with an interview taking place at our Crosby Crisis Cafe.

Latest round of Sefton Crowd funding campaign launched
Sefton Council has launched a new funding round as part of its digital crowdfunding initiative Sefton Crowd to support community-led ideas that will help Sefton become more vibrant, resilient, and connected.

Volunteer with Healthwatch Sefton
Your health and social care champion, Healthwatch Sefton, are looking for local residents who would like to volunteer their time to support them! They are looking for volunteers to work with and encourage local residents and community groups/organisations to share their patient stories, experiences and journeys.

Ørsted’s Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund ‘Inspired by Green’ with latest round of grants awarded to several Sefton Groups
Ørsted fund has now awarded over £1.6million to community projects around Liverpool Bay. A total of 178 projects have now been awarded funding. A total of 178 projects have now been awarded funding.

Social Prescribing Service ‘massive help’ to young Southport man experiencing anxiety and depression
Southport resident Danny, aged 26, was experiencing anxiety and depression when he found the NHS social prescribing service in Sefton. He shares his story and encourages others to reach out and use the service if they need help.

Online Briefing Workshop – UK-SPF Digital Connectivity in Community Facilities Grants Programme
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s (LCR CA’s) local investment plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme - the UK’s successor to EU Structural funds - has now been signed off by central Government.

Sefton CVS Training Offer
We are delighted to announce that Sefton CVS has a new training package on offer to the VCF sector in Sefton.
The offer contains a package of 25 high quality online training programmes for the exceptional value of £15pp to those VCF sector organisations based in Sefton.

Get 2023 off to the best start with a free health check and COVID-19 jab on the ‘Living Well’ bus
The ‘Living Well’ bus will return to Asda Bootle on Wednesday 11 January to offer Sefton residents all COVID-19 vaccines, including first, second, booster and seasonal (autumn booster) and free health checks.

New online map of Digital Inclusion services available across the Liverpool City Region – Now live!
For the first time, a comprehensive map of the places people can go to ‘get online’, or access digital skills training has been published by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

Getting healthcare help over the festive period
The NHS in Sefton is reminding you that they are still here for you over the upcoming Christmas and new year bank holidays, and sharing advice for planning ahead and getting healthcare help over the holidays.