
David’s Story: How the Crisis Cafe helped change my life – former homeless Southport resident becomes mental health volunteer
Sefton resident David, formerly street homeless and struggling with his mental health, shares his story this World Mental Health Day (10 October) to encourage others to reach out and get support.

Keep Warm, Keep Well Events with Sefton Opera & the Affordable Warmth Team
Sefton Opera and Sefton Council’s Affordable Warmth Team will be hosting a second of two events in North Sefton this month.
The Keep Warm, Keep Well events for over 50’s will provide the opportunity for Sefton residents to learn more about the support available in the borough to help them stay warm and healthy this winter.

Citizens 4 Good Nominations NOW OPEN! Closing Monday 10 October 2022
Nominations are wanted for the next Citizens 4 Good awards. The awards event will take place at Southport Town Hall on Thursday 13 October. The deadline for nominations is Monday 10 October.

Southport African Caribbean Heritage Association – Black History Month 2022
SACHA – Southport African Heritage Association, as part of Black History Month, are holding an all expenses paid trip to International Slavery Museum and L8 Caribbean Centre in Liverpool on Saturday 1 October 2022 from 11am.

Monday 19 September has been designated a bank holiday following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, meaning some healthcare services such as GP practices will close and pharmacies may change their opening hours.
NHS professionals in Sefton are sharing information on how to access healthcare support and plan ahead for the bank holiday.

Official Statement: Her Majesty The Queen 1926-2022
In Memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Official statements from Sefton CVS and Sefton Council including information on Books of condolence and floral tributes.

All aboard for Free Health Checks on the Living Well Bus
The ‘Living Well’ bus returns to Sefton this week, parking up outside Bootle Strand Shopping Centre on Friday 9 September to offer free holistic health checks and first, second or booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Sefton Council to launch 30 Days of Sefton in Mind
On World Suicide Prevention Day Sefton Council is launching this year’s 30 Days of Sefton in Mind campaign. Now in its sixth year, 30 Days of Sefton in Mind happens during the 30 days that fall between World Suicide Prevention Day on Saturday 10 September and World Mental Health Day on Monday 10 October.

Befriending and Companionship Volunteers needed throughout Sefton
Five organisations across Sefton have come together to tackle this and need your help! Brighter Living Partnership, Swan Women's Centre, Community Connectors, Re-engage and Alzheimer's Society are recruiting volunteers across the borough of Sefton to tackle social isolation.

Sefton Crowd Programme Closing Soon – Deadline 14 September 2022
The deadline for community groups to register their life changing ideas to the Sefton Crowd is fast approaching.
Groups have until September 14 to register for the latest local authority ran crowdfunding scheme.

Keep Warm, Keep Well Events with Sefton Opera & the Affordable Warmth Team
Sefton Opera and Sefton Council's Affordable Warmth Team are hosting two events in North and South Sefton this September.
The Keep Warm, Keep Healthy events for over 50's will provide the opportunity for Sefton residents to learn more about the support available in the borough to help them stay warm and healthy this winter.

Can you help with the Cost of Living Crisis in Sefton? Complete our Survey – Closing 7 September
Sefton CVS are asking local voluntary, community and faith (VCF) sector organisations to complete this survey and share insights and ideas about mitigating the current Cost of Living Crisis here in Sefton.